103 research outputs found

    Práticas educativas parentais: Uma comparação entre famílias adoptivas e famílias não-adoptivas

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    As Práticas Educativas Parentais têm sido um assunto pouco estudado nas famílias adoptivas. Estas reflectem os comportamentos e acções parentais que estruturam o comportamento da criança e lhe proporcionam a maior autonomia e conforto possíveis, contribuindo assim para o seu desenvolvimento sustentável. Este estudo teve como objectivo perceber se existem diferenças entre as Práticas Educativas Parentais (PEP) em famílias adoptivas e não-adoptivas. Assim, participaram nesta investigação 16 famílias adoptivas e 16 famílias não-adoptivas, compostas por mãe, pai e criança entre os 7 e os 10 anos de idade. O instrumento utilizado na recolha dos dados foi a entrevista de práticas educativas parentais, que contempla quatro dimensões: Autonomia Apoiada, Estrutura, Afecto e Percepção da Família. Os resultados demonstraram-nos mais Práticas Educativas Parentais de Autonomia Apoiada, Estrutura e Afecto e uma melhor Percepção da Família nas famílias adoptivas que nas famílias não-adoptivas. Neste sentido, verificaram-se diferenças entre as PEP dos pais adoptivos em comparação com os pais não-adoptivos (sexo masculino) relativamente ao apoio prestado na integração e exploração social, ao uso de comportamentos indutivos na regulação do comportamento da criança e a um maior envolvimento afectivo. Esta maior participação nas tarefas parentais resulta numa melhor percepção das crianças e dos próprios pais relativamente à sua família. Por conseguinte, verificou-se que nas famílias adoptivas existe uma maior partilha das tarefas inerente às práticas educativas parentais, em contraste com um padrão mais tradicional nas famílias não-adoptivas, no qual a mãe assume a maior responsabilidade destas tarefas.ABSTRACT: Parental Practices are a subject with little research among adoptive families. They reflect parental actions and behaviors that structure children’s behavior, and provide more autonomy and comfort, hence contributing to theirs sustainable development. The present investigation was aimed to understand differences between Parental Practices in adoptive and nonadoptive families. Therefore, in this investigation participated 16 adoptive families and 16 nonadoptive families, composing on mother, father and child, between 7 and 10 years old. The instrument used for data collection was the parental practices interview, contemplating four dimensions: Autonomy Support, Structure, Affect, and Family Perception. Results reported more Parental Practices of Autonomy Support, Structure, and Affect and a better Family Perception among adoptive families. Furthermore, differences were verified between Parental Practices of adoptive fathers and nonadoptive fathers, concerning to given support in social integration and exploration, to usage of inductive behaviour on child behaviour regulations, and a more affective involvement. This larger participation in parental tasks results in a better child and parental perception of their family. Therefore, was verified that adoptive families share more tasks regarding Parental Practices. Contrastingly, there is a traditional pattern in nonadoptive families, in which mothers takes more responsibility about these particulary tasks

    A Practical Guide on Behaviour Change Support for Self-Managing Chronic Disease

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    This open access book is a valuable resource for students in health and other professions and practicing professionals interested in supporting effective change in self-management behaviors in chronic disease, such as medication taking, physical activity and healthy eating. Developed under the auspices of the Train4Health project, funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, the book contains six chapters written by international contributors from different disciplines. Chapter one introduces the competencies necessary for delivering effective behavior change support, based on an established program of work, and related learning outcomes. The four following chapters describe how these competencies can be acquired, focusing on concepts and theories, assessing self-management behaviors, implementing change strategies and person-centered communication, using a practical approach. The last chapter points out supplementary learning resources, developed as part of the Train4Health project.publishersversionpublishe

    Validity and Reliability of the Portuguese Version of the Dispositional Flow Scale-2 in Exercise

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    This study aimed to analyze the factorial validity and reliability of the Portuguese version of the Dispositional Flow Scale-2 (DFS-2; Jackson and Eklund, 2002) with a sample of 1437 exercise participants, a population in which flow has not been widely studied. The CFA adjustment indices of the nine-factor first-order structure were acceptable. Both the time transformation and loss of self-consciousness scales presented modest correlations with the remaining flow dimensions. Internal consistency estimates were satisfactory for all flow factors. Except for time transformation, all the dispositional flow scales correlated with perceived competence in and enjoyment of exercise. These findings provide support for the validity and reliability of the Portuguese version of the DFS-2 for measuring flow experiences in exercise. The use of the nine flow factor level scores rather than a single global score is recommended

    Development of a European competency framework for health and other professionals to support behaviour change in persons self-managing chronic disease

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    Funding: This project has received funding from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union under the grant agreement no. 2019–1-PT01-KA203– 061389. The Funder had no role in the design of the study and collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and in writing the manuscript. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.Background: Healthcare and other professionals are expected to support behaviour change in people living with chronic disease. However, effective behaviour change interventions are largely absent in routine encounters. The Train4Health project, a European strategic partnership for higher education, sought to address this problem. The primary aim of this study, which is part of an early work package, was to develop an interprofessional competency framework for health and other professions to support behaviour change for the self-management of chronic disease at a European level. A secondary aim was to derive a set of behaviour change techniques (BCTs) from an established taxonomy to link with framework competencies. Methods: The study comprised two interlinked parts. Part 1 involved a two-round e-Delphi study with an interprofessional panel of 48 experts across 12 European countries to develop the behaviour change competency framework. Preparatory work included drafting a list of competency statements based on seven existing frameworks. Part 2 involved an expert panel of six behavioural psychologists deriving a set of BCTs to link with framework competencies. Their feedback was based on preparatory work, which focused on seven high priority chronic diseases for self-management, identified through European projects on self-management and identifying five relevant target behaviours from key clinical guidelines. A literature search yielded 29 effective BCTs for the target behaviours in the selected chronic diseases. Results: Twenty-seven competency statements, were presented in Round 1 to the Delphi panel. Consensus was achieved for all statements. Based on comments, two statements were removed, one was added, and 14 were modified. All 15 statements subjected to Round 2 were consensus-approved, yielding a total of 12 foundational competencies for behaviour change in self-management of chronic disease and 14 behaviour change competencies. Four behaviour change competencies related to BCTs. Behavioural psychologists’ feedback led to a core set of 21 BCTs deemed applicable to the five target behaviours across the seven chronic diseases. Conclusions: A behaviour change competency framework comprising 26 statements for European health and other professionals to support self-management of chronic disease was developed, linked with a core set of 21 BCTs from an established taxonomy.publishersversionpublishe

    Paper-based platform with an in situ molecularly imprinted polymer for ß-amyloid

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    Alzheimers disease (AD) is one of the most common forms of dementia affecting millions of people worldwide. Currently, an easy and effective form of diagnosis is missing, which significantly hinders a possible improvement of the patients quality of life. In this context, biosensors emerge as a future solution, opening the doors for preventive medicine and allowing the premature diagnosis of numerous pathologies. This work presents a pioneering biosensor that combines a bottom-up design approach using paper as a platform for the electrochemical recognition of peptide amyloid -42 (A-42), a biomarker for AD present in blood, associated with visible differences in the brain tissue and responsible for the formation of senile plaques. The sensor layer relies on a molecularly imprinted polymer as a biorecognition element, created on the carbon ink electrodes surface by electropolymerizing a mixture of the target analyte (A-42) and a monomer (O-phenylenediamine) at neutral pH 7.2. Next, the template molecule was removed from the polymeric network by enzymatic and acidic treatments. The vacant sites so obtained preserved the shape of the imprinted protein and were able to rebind the target analyte. Morphological and chemical analyses were performed in order to control the surface modification of the materials. The analytical performance of the biosensor was evaluated by an electroanalytical technique, namely, square wave voltammetry. For this purpose, the analytical response of the biosensor was tested with standard solutions ranging from 0.1 ng/mL to 1 g/mL of A-42. The linear response of the biosensor went down to 0.1 ng/mL. Overall, the developed biosensor offered numerous benefits, such as simplicity, low cost, reproducibility, fast response, and repeatability less than 10%. All together, these features may have a strong impact in the early detection of AD.The authors acknowledge funding from project PTDC/AAGTEC/5400/2014, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016637, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007688, and UID/CTM/50025/2019 funded by European funds through FEDER (European Funding or Regional Development) via COMPETE2020 - POCI (operational program for internationalization and competitively) by national funding through the National Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. (FCT-MCTES). Additionally, they are grateful to the project IBEROS, Instituto de Bioingenieria en Red para el Envejecimiento Saludable, POCTEP/0245-BEROS-1-E, PROGRAMA INTERREG 2014-2020 funded through FEDER within the cooperation region of Galiza/Spain and North of Portugal. A.C.M. and F.T.C.M. gratefully acknowledges FCT-MCTES for the financial support (PhD grant reference SFRH/BD/115173/2016 intituled “Nanobiosensing platform based on MIP-SERS for breast cancer exosome characterization and detection” and Post-Doc grant reference SFRH/BPD/97891/2013 intituled “Biomedical devices for easier and quicker screening procedures of the Alzheimer’s). This work is part of the Master Thesis in Micro and Nanotechnology Engineering defended by Marta V. Pereira. at FCT NOVA titled “Fabrication of 3D electrodes for biosensor applications” in December 2018.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A cross-cultural perspective on psychological determinants of chronic fatigue syndrome: A comparison between a portuguese and a dutch patient sample

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    Background Few studies focus on cross-cultural differences in Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Purpose This study aimed to (1) compare fatigue severity and impairment, somatic complaints, psychological distress, and quality of life (QoL) in a population of Portuguese and Dutch patients; (2) explore the differential contribution of behavioral and cognitive determinants of fatigue severity; and (3) investigate the relation between fatigue severity and somatic complaints on one hand and QoL on the other in both populations. Method Eighty-five female patients from Portugal (Mean age0 47.54) and 167 female CFS patients from The Netherlands (Mean age044.93) participated in the study. All participants were surveyed for demographic and clinical characteristics, fatigue severity, somatic symptoms, psychological distress, (physical and psychological) QoL, physical activity, behavior regulation patterns, and illness representations. Results Cross-cultural differences were found in relation to working status, duration of fatigue symptoms, psychological distress, somatic complaints, and psychological QoL. Although behavioral characteristics and illness representations were significantly associated with fatigue severity in both Portuguese and Dutch patients, there were important differences in the determinants of CFS. Moreover, higher levels of fatigue and severity of other somatic complaints were related to poor QoL. Conclusions These findings show cross-cultural similarities and differences in clinical characteristics and psychological determinants of CFS that are important in view of diagnosis and treatment

    Competência em informação como práxis: uma opção pela abordagem cartográfica

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    The present study approaches the Information Literacy in a critical theoretical perspective, aiming at the emancipatory development of the subjects, through the knowledge of the agencies and machinations that operate for the maintenance of a structure of exploration and domination through instrumentalization of the Reason in the relation Individual and Information. Proposing the information literacy as praxis and the cartographic method as a possibility for the construction of a critical approach. The objective was to understand the cartographic method as an option for the critical development of Information Literacy, oriented towards mediation and relational and ideological interactions that are operated through information. The research is characterized as bibliographic, with a literature review about information literacy and cartography; it was also sought to carry out a bibliographic survey through the Institutional Repository of the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology, finding a gap in academic productions in Information Science in this scope. It is considered that this method allows a propositional view of reality and attentive to its constructive processes, through an associative and transversal way, which allows the Information Literacy to put itself in other terms in the problem of emancipation in XIX century´s society through informational.El presente estudio aborda la alfabetización informacional en una perspectiva teórica crítica, apuntando al desarrollo emancipatorio de los sujetos, a través del conocimiento de las agencias y maquinaciones que operan para el mantenimiento de una estructura de exploración y dominación a través de la instrumentalización de la Razón en la relación Individual e Información. Proponer la alfabetización informacional como praxis y el método cartográfico como una posibilidad para la construcción de un enfoque crítico. El objetivo era entender el Método Cartográfico como una opción para el desarrollo crítico de la alfabetización informacional, orientado hacia la mediación y las interacciones ideológicas y relacionales que se operan a través de la información. La investigación se caracteriza por ser bibliográfica, con una revisión bibliográfica sobre alfabetización informacional y cartografía; También se buscó realizar una encuesta bibliográfica a través del Repositorio Institucional del Instituto Brasileño de Información en Ciencia y Tecnología, encontrando una brecha en las producciones académicas en Ciencias de la Información en este ámbito. Se considera que este método permite una visión proposicional de la realidad y atento a sus procesos constructivos, a través de una forma asociativa y transversal, que permite a la alfabetización informacional ponerse en otros términos en el problema de la emancipación en la sociedad del siglo XXI a través de informativo.O presente estudo aborda a Competência em Informação numa perspectiva teórica crítica, visando o desenvolvimento emancipatório dos sujeitos, por meio do conhecimento dos agenciamentos e maquinações que operam para a manutenção de uma estrutura de exploração e dominação via instrumentalização da Razão na relação Indivíduo e Informação. Propondo a competência em informação como práxis e o método cartográfico como possibilidade para a construção de uma abordagem crítica. Teve-se como objetivo compreender o Método Cartográfico como opção para o desenvolvimento crítico da Competência em Informação, orientado para a mediação e interações relacionais e ideológicas que são operadas por meio da informação. A pesquisa é caracterizada como bibliográfica, realizando-se uma revisão de literatura acerca da competência em informação e da cartografia; também buscou-se realizar um levantamento bibliográfico por meio do Repositório Institucional do Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia, constatando-se uma lacuna de produções acadêmicas em Ciência da Informação neste âmbito. Considera-se que este método possibilita uma visão propositiva da realidade e atenta a seus processos construtivos, por via, associativa e transversal, que propicia a Competência em Informação a colocar-se em outros termos na problemática da emancipação na sociedade do século XXI pela via informacional

    Patient-physician discordance in assessment of adherence to inhaled controller medication: a cross-sectional analysis of two cohorts

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    We aimed to compare patient's and physician's ratings of inhaled medication adherence and to identify predictors of patient-physician discordance.(SFRH/BPD/115169/2016) funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT); ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) through the operations: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029130 ('mINSPIRERS—mHealth to measure and improve adherence to medication in chronic obstructive respiratory diseases—generalisation and evaluation of gamification, peer support and advanced image processing technologies') cofunded by the COMPETE2020 (Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização), Portugal 2020 and by Portuguese Funds through FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ability of body mass index to predict abnormal waist circumference : receiving operating characteristics analysis.

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    Body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) are the most used anthropometric measures to identify obesity. While BMI is considered to be a simple and accurate estimate of general adiposity, WC is an alternative surrogate measure of visceral obesity. However, WC is subject to significant inter-examiner variation. The aim of the present study was to correlate BMI and WC measures in a group of Brazilian adults to determine the most accurate BMI values for predicting abnormal WC